Katherine Koudele

Katherine Koudele

Katherine Koudele

Title: Chair, IACUC
Professor of Animal Science & Chair, Department of Agriculture

Office Location: Smith Hall Room 109A
E-mail: koudelej@lixubing.com
Phone: (269) 471-6299


Doctor of Philosophy - Michigan State University, Department of Animal Science
Master of Science - Andrews University, Department of Biology
Bachelor of Arts - Biology / Chemistry, Andrews University


Dr. Kodele has been teaching at Andrews University since 1995. Before that Dr. Koudele was the co-owner and operator of a farm on which they milked cows and raised hundreds of lambs and sheep each year. Dr. Koudele still has a small hobby farm on which I keep a variety of livestock for use in labs and teaching. Dr. Koudele feels that the hands-on aspect of our classes enhances learning so almost every class offered has a lab with it. She is also the co-manager of the Andrews University Dairy and I make use of it quite often as a real-life teaching environment.

Dr. Koudele is the pre-vet/animal science advisor and advises students on which classes to take so that they can achieve their career goals. Most of Her students are interested in veterinary medicine or vet technology. Others want to work with animals for their livelihood in such places as zoos, dairy farms, horse farms, camps, ranches, dog training facilities, etc. Dr. Koudele receives a lot of satisfaction helping students find out what they want to do with their lives, and the ways to get there. Andrews has a great group of students with a very good track record for acceptance into veterinary schools, internships, and other schools for graduates who have prepared themselves well. Dr. Koudele does what she can to assist them.

Dr. Koudele is an active in the local 4-H clubs and the county youth fair. Dr. Koudele and her students have visited inner city areas as well as nursing homes with farm animals and pets to inform and entertain the people we meet there. They also participate in the Easter Passion Play held on campus each year as part of the Marketplace scene. There is an excellent spirit of teamwork and cooperation among the students and the faculty. Dr. Koudele very much enjoys her work in the Agriculture Department.

Current Research or Professional Activities

- Pre-Vet and Animal Science Advisor.

- Research interests include animal management and animal behavior.

- Research also includes analysis of faunal remains excavated from a Biblical city in the Middle East (Tall Jalul, Jordan) to illuminate others about the lives of the people living there at that time.